In Chinese Medicine or in fact Classical Medicine, there is the concept of balance. In western terms Equilibrium.
What most people forget is that they have control over their own health. Any tests to determine relative high or low cholesterol can in fact be normal for the person at the time. Cholesterol is in fact a major component of many hormones in the body. The depletion of or lowering of Cholesterol by medication can in fact be detrimental to the body and not as beneficial as many are led to believe. In fact Low Cholesterol can also cause a variety of problems including anxiety and some other mood disorders. You can read a great article on how the Cholesterol in your body is utilized -> Cholesterol and Hormones . From this article you can see that Cholesterol is produced and utilized for many hormones produced by the body.
For Classical Medicine practitioners, we evaluate the diet, to determine if you are overeating in certain areas and under eating in other areas and try to create a healthy balance.
1. Cholesterol Is the Precursor to All Steroid Hormones
September 2, 2005 by Chris Masterjohn (
2. Mental Consequences of Diet
Oct 25, 2011 by The Weston A. Price Foundation (
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